Administrative & Public Law Section
Officers and Council Members

APLS Council’s Slate of Officers:

Chair Karen Watkins
Chair Elect Sara Ferris
Vice Chair Natasha Martin
Secretary Leah Gillum
Treasurer Bruce Bennett
Immediate Past Chair: Franklin Hopkins

Interested in serving on the APLS Council? Council members generally serve 3-year terms. When terms expire or people leave the Council, openings are filled. We’d like to know who is interested in joining the Council. Please complete the below form and submit to Franklin Hopkins at fhopkins@germer-austin.com. We accept applications year-round, but please submit by July 19 of each year for consideration to fill August vacancies.

APLS Application

Council Members

Term Expiring 2024

Jonathan Stone
Hon. Kristofer Monson
Andrea Stover

Term Expires 2025

Emily Rogers
Paul Tough
Katherine Farrell

Term Expires 2026

Kristen Worman
April Griffin
Hon. Cassandra Quinn

If you have questions for the Council, you may contact Franklin Hopkins at fhopkins@germer-austin.com.